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Charging hard into 2010

While the effects of the economy certainly tugged at the bottom line here at MASSIVE Mastering, the year was down only very slightly. A slow 3rd quarter was eclipsed by a record breaking (no pun intended) 4th quarter. Here’s to all of you who made it happen.

During the slight downturn in the 3rd quarter, we were trying to come up with a modified pricing strategy. Then in the freakishly busy 4th quarter, we decided to put that on hold. Now, as we enter 2010 - our 15th anniversary - as busy as it is at the moment, we decided to turn the “SPECIAL” light on anyway.

For a limited time - Might be a month, might be three, might be the whole year - we’ve reduced and “capped” the rates for longer projects.

Q. Wait a minute - it’s busy and you’re having a special? What’s up with that?

A. We’re busy and we want to stay that way. We’ve always been competitive and we’re going to stay that way. The rates here at MASSIVE have always been on the low end of any similarly equipped facility. But ‘for a limited time’ they’re going even lower. We were planning a “15th Anniversary” special anyway...