See information below on how to upload your files -


  • First, know this: We want to keep your information safe - and the best way to do that is to not have it available in the first place. The OMFS database is periodically (frequently) "flushed" of old user data for security purposes. Even if it's only been a month since your last project, your OFMS account might not exist anymore. This is a "security feature" - not a "bug" - So, if you've had an account in the past and your user/pass isn't working, you can create a new account using the exact same (or different if you'd like) information again.
  • If you are a new or returning client and need to create an Online File Management System (OFMS) account, you can access the OFMS at:
  • Near the bottom of the login area, click “Create Account” -- It’s all pretty self-explanatory from there. The system will automatically send a confirmation e-mail to the address provided. Once you confirm, you choose a password and what not and you’re off to the races. The OFMS will notify MASSIVE when you upload files. Once processed here, test files will be uploaded and you will receive and automated notification. PLEASE whitelist “” in your e-mail program so these notifications don’t get caught in your SPAM filter!
  • If you experience any difficulties uploading through the OFMS, feel free to ZIP your files together and upload via any of several popular online file upload services -- is suggested. Just enter into the “notify recipient” field.
  • Questions, concerns, obviously feel free to contact us at any time.
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