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Proper Audio Recording Levels

You're probably tracking too hot. Here's why...

This entry was viewed over 110,000 times in 2008, nearly 300,000 times in 2009, picked up by and published by Pro Sound Web in 2011 -- And is *still* waiting for tweaking... And I feel a bit guilty about it because (as of mid-2016), the e-mails just keep coming in. That said, evidently, the point is getting through. Occasionally, I might “bump” or “TTT” (To The Top) this article just to avoid scrolling.


Metallica - A Silver Lining on the Loudness Cloud?

With the release of Metallica’s new album, “Death Magenetic,” an unprecedented backlash from fans and listeners have cast a new spotlight on the “Loudness Wars.” And this might be just what the industry needs...


Loudness War 'In Real Life' - Anecdotal Evidence

A lot of people use the excuse “Well, I want my tracks to sound as loud as...” -- which is one thing. Others use the excuse “Well, a lot of people are listening in cars and on trains with iPods and such and I want everything to be heard...”

Anyone who’s ever actually listened has another story...

Calibrating Your Monitoring Chain

You don't know how loud you are unless you know how loud you should be at a set level. This is something a lot of people forget to do for some reason... If you don't have your monitors reasonably well-calibrated, you might as well be shooting at a moving target.


Why Aren't My Mixes 'Loud' Like Commercial CD's?

More accurately, the question you should be asking yourself is "Why don't my recordings have the potential to be as loud as commercial CD's?"

(This is an incomplete post - a partial post I posted on an audio forum - to be updated soon)


Rookie Room Setup - Basic Room Setup and Treatment

If you can't trust your room, the greatest monitors in the world are worth a bowl of warm sinus fluid.
